Saturday 8 October 2011

A recap and a Happy List.

It's been an odd jumble of a fortnight and my brain has been a bit fuzzy with it all so, foolishly, I haven't bothered to write about it. A mistake, it seems. Not that anything particularly grand has happened, but getting it out of my head seems to help!

I'm conscious of the fact that things have seemed rather negative, of late, which isn't really a fair representation. Things, as a whole, aren't going too badly, right at this moment. And they could always be worse. On top of that, it's really in my hands to make it better. I can't control some of the things, but I can take steps to make each week better than the last one, fixing the little things, giving myself something to look forward to, and hopefully that amounts to something.

So, the status quo. 

Home: Mum's partner is home from surgery and recovering, hopefully to start the next bout of chemo in the next week or two. The battle continues, but it looks like the surgery was relatively successful, a small victory!
Work: Application is in, and pre-interview task completed for a new position (with the same company). Nervously awaiting interview. Eep. In the mean time, I have a mountain of work to do on a mini-project that I've wanted to complete since I started there and finally have the opportunity to do. So, despite the many frustrations there, it's actually pretty cool. Progress!
Health: An unfortunate return of the pain in the last two weeks (boo, hiss) but I sort of expected it as I'd been more adventurous with food. Back to being a bit more cautious and giving my Doctor a colossal kick up the backside when I go to see him again in a couple of weeks.

in general, not a bad place to be starting from, definite progress on where things were a few months back, at least. And I'm not feeling too stressed out by it all. Hooray.

But the last 2 weeks have also had lots of little cool moments, and I have lots of stuff to look forward to. Izy recently made a worry list, to get her worries out, I think sometimes I need to be reminded of my happy stuff. So, a happy list, from the last 2 weeks:

+Random lunchtime expedition to Revel with Jonelle
+Spontaneously booked Wellington trip to visit Jackson
+Unplanned drink and dinner with Rochelle
+Craft market wanderings with lovely ladies
+Dinner with Annette, Andrea and Rochelle, followed by tea afterwards
+Cute pictures of small furry animals sent regularly to me by two lovely friends
+Long morning chats with Izy about Czech adventures
+Long chats with Mum at the Hospital about random funny stuff from childhood
+Morning cups of tea with Jonelle
+Dumplings with Rob and Rochelle, and then mint chocolate
+Dumplings with Mum (yes, that's right, TWO lots of dumplings)
+Lovely random messages from Bee and the midgets
+Friday evening chats with Alex at Red before the crowds arrive
+Being brought a cup of tea and croissant in bed this morning
+Plotting MOTAT high tea
+Plotting kidnap missions (I'm not crazy, promise)
+Doing a good deed for the day by walking a lost sportsball tourist to the place he was looking for (OK, OK, he was French, and cute).
+Pretty flowers on my desk
+A lovely pseudo-team at work
+Kitty smooshes when I get home from work, every day.
+NEW DRESSES arriving, ZOMG they're so pretty
+Cute necklaces arriving, A dinosaur AND a grizzly bear AND a plane. YAY.

That's just what I can think of off the top of my head. I know there was probably heaps more. I have wonderful, lovely friends, who make me smile and laugh so much. Sometimes it's too easy to forget the little happy moments with the crap that's going on, but I'm definitely making a concerted effort to focus on the good stuff.

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